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Article does not have an imageLink to article: Tree Dump

Oct 15, 2024

Tree Dump

The tree dump is closed for the time being due to it being full. As of right now there is not a time frame for when it will be reopened. As soon as we have further information details will be posted. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Splash Pad Vandalism

Oct 3, 2024

Splash Pad Vandalism

Sometime last night, Wednesday, October 2nd, the splash pad was vandalized. There was several shards of glass found around the splash pad. The city has gone down and cleaned it up, but there still maybe pieces that we missed. Please be advised that if you are using the splash pad or park to wear shoes and pay close attention. If you have any information on who may have done this please let the Yutan Police officers know. 

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Safety Notice

Sep 20, 2024

Safety Notice

The city would like to put out a safety reminder to anyone out walking or running at night. Please remember to either wear high-visibility or reflective elements on your clothing or person. It is hard for drivers to see you when you are wearing all black and it is dark. 

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Statement from the Mayor

Aug 23, 2024

Statement from the Mayor

  STATEMENT    Citizens of Yutan, I am pleased to announce that with the collaboration of the Yutan Police Department, Saunders County Sheriff’s Office, and the United States Postal Inspector, an employee of the Yutan Post Office has been arrested in our area for opening mail and mail theft. Thanks to everyone who helped by reporting. The investigation is ongoing.    Please continue to report if you believe you have missing . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Off Road Vehicles

Jun 28, 2024

Off Road Vehicles

The Yutan Police Departement would like to remind residents that off road vehicles are for driving off road. Please do not drive golf carts, UTV/ATVs through yards, sidewalks, or parks. They would also like to remind you that you must be 18 years of age to be driving any golf carts, UTV/ATVs, and that they must be registered with the City. Please keep them on the roads and stay save. 

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Temporary Tree Dump

May 21, 2024

Temporary Tree Dump

Due to the weather today the City is setting up a temporary tree dump located at the Itan baseball field. It will be located on the North-West corner near the storage bunkers. Please see attached photo for reference. If you are unable to transport your downed trees please leave small piles on the curb and the City will work over the next few days to get them picked up. If you have any questions please call the City office at 402-625-2112. 

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Tree Dump

May 21, 2024

Tree Dump

Due to the severe amount of rain that we have received in the last 12 hours the tree dump will be closed. It is extremely muddy and vehicles will get stuck. We know that there are several limbs down, due to the weather today, please be paitent while we work to get it back open.

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Library Closed

May 15, 2024

Library Closed

The Yutan Public Library will be closed for the rest of the week, except for Thursday, May 16, it will be open from 5:30-8:30pm. It will also be closed on Monday, May 20, 2024, due to a family emergency. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Mayor Kelly Resignation

May 3, 2024

Mayor Kelly Resignation

The City of Yutan would like to address the concerns about Mayor Mike Kelly’s resignation. On Wednesday, May 1, 2024, Mayor Mike Kelly unexpectedly resigned as Mayor of Yutan. When this happens the Council president steps into this position as interim mayor until appointed by the City Council at the next regular meeting. Our current Council President Matt Thompson will be interim Mayor until the May 21, 2024, Council Meeting where he will be appointed the new Mayor of Yutan to finish out former Mayor Mike Kelly’s . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Unleashed dogs

Apr 8, 2024

Unleashed dogs

The City and Yutan Police department would like to remind citizens that dogs are required to be on a leash when out walking. Yutan Municipal Code 3-208 states that,   "All dogs shall be kept under restraint. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to allow such dog to run at large at any time within the corporate limits of the City. "Running at large" shall mean off the premises of the owner and not under control of the owner or responsible person by leash, cord, wire, chain, ripe, cage, or other suitable . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: GIS Work

Jan 31, 2024

GIS Work

Over the next few weeks the City Utility workers will be working on mapping the City's curb stops. They will be putting flags to mark the location for this mapping. If you see someone walking through your yard and putting down flags it is the City Utility workers. Please keep the flags in your yard until they are done. 

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Yutan Police, Saunders County Sheriffs Office, and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Advisory Notice

Nov 16, 2023

Yutan Police, Saunders County Sheriffs Office, and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Advisory Notice

Law Enforcement has recently had to rescue an animal that was caught in an illegal trap within the city limits of Yutan. The animal was caught in a leg trap, but officers were able to release it without the officers or the animal sustaining any serious injuries. Law enforcement and Officers of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission would like you to be aware that it is illegal to set traps of any kind within 100 yards of an inhabited dwelling. The trap used in this instance was a "legal" trap but was not used legally. Officers . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Parking at the Yutan Sports Complex

Oct 10, 2023

Parking at the Yutan Sports Complex

As a courtesy when parking at the new Yutan Sports Complex do not park your trucks, ATV, UTVS, and golf courts on the basketball court. There are spots to park close to the courts without parking on them. We are still working on finishing the landscaping portion of the complex, which will include designated parking. Please keep these courts nice so that the whole community can use them. 

Link to article: Thank-you Yutan! National Night Out

Aug 2, 2023

Thank-you Yutan! National Night Out

The City of Yutan would like to thank the Police and Fire Departments for a great National Night Out.  Thanks to everyone who came out and got to check out the new police cruiser and to all the kids who beat the Police and Fire Departments in a whiffle ball game.  Also a big thanks to Derailed and Co. for the popsicles!  Lastly a huge shout out to anyone who helped with planning or putting this event on.  We served 180 hot dogs in less than two hours and hope to build on this for next year and come back even bigger . . .

Article does not have an imageLink to article: Pictures Needed!

Jul 13, 2023

Pictures Needed!

We are in need of pictures from around Yutan to add to our website.  We would properly credit the photographer, and rotate through the pictures online and social media.  Please send any pictures to bgahan@cityofyutan.com.  Anything related to the community, photos of town from the past, Yutan Days, or sporting events would be greatly appreciated.